









The 24 solar terms, also known as the 24 seasonal divisions, are important in traditional Chinese culture. Here is a list of the 24 solar terms in order:

1. Start of Spring (立春)

2. Rain Water (雨水)

3. Awakening of Insects (惊蛰)

4. Vernal Equinox (春分)

5. Pure Brightness (清明)

6. Grain Rain (谷雨)

7. Start of Summer (立夏)

8. Grain Full (小满)

9. Grain in Ear (芒种)

10. Summer Solstice (夏至)

11. Minor Heat (小暑)

12. Major Heat (大暑)

13. Start of Autumn (立秋)

14. Limit of Heat (处暑)

15. White Dew (白露)

16. Autumnal Equinox (秋分)

17. Cold Dew (寒露)

18. Frost's Descent (霜降)

19. Start of Winter (立冬)

20. Minor Snow (小雪)

21. Major Snow (大雪)

22. Winter Solstice (冬至)

23. Minor Cold (小寒)

24. Major Cold (大寒)

The 24 solar terms are based on the changes in the seasons, the movements of the sun, and other natural phenomena. Each solar term represents a different stage of the agricultural cycle and has its own significance and customs. For example, during the Spring Festival, which falls on the first day of the lunar calendar, people eat dumplings (Jiaozi) and set off firecrackers to celebrate the start of Spring.

The solar term Rain Water marks the time when the weather starts to get warmer and rainy. It is a sign that the Spring is coming. During the Rain Water period, it is common to drink tea and eat ginger in order to ward off springtime illnesses.

The Grain Rain solar term refers to the fact that, with the warmer temperatures and rain, grains begin to mature and ripen. The Grain Rain period is considered to be a time of abundance, and people traditionally eat dumplings and make steamed buns during this time.

In the solar term Start of Summer, the weather becomes hot and humid, and it's a good time for swimming and eating watermelon. The Grain Full solar term marks the season when crops are ready for harvest, and people begin to prepare for the coming winter.

The 24 solar terms are an important part of Chinese culture, and they remain relevant to this day. They remind us of the importance of the natural world and encourage us to live in harmony with the seasons.







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As part of the traditional Chinese calendar, the 24 Solar Terms (二十四节气) are an essential component of China's cultural heritage. These terms are based on the movements of the sun and represent the changing seasons and agricultural activities. Each Solar Term lasts approximately two weeks and is celebrated throughout the country. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the official English expressions for these terms, which are now commonly used in both Chinese and international contexts.

The first Solar Term is the Spring Equinox (春分), which usually falls on March 20th or 21st. This marks the beginning of spring and officially starts the year according to the traditional Chinese calendar. The official English expression for this Solar Term is Vernal Equinox.

The next Solar Term is the Qingming Festival (清明节), which is celebrated on April 4th or 5th. This Solar Term is associated with tomb-sweeping and the arrival of warmer weather. The official English expression for this term is Clear and Bright.

The Grain Rain (谷雨) Solar Term falls on April 19th or 20th and represents the arrival of the rainy season. This is an important time for farmers, as it marks the beginning of planting season. The official English expression for this term is Grain Rain.

The Summer Solstice (夏至) Solar Term usually falls on June 21st or 22nd and represents the longest day of the year. This marks the beginning of summer and is an important time for outdoor activities. The official English expression for this term is Summer Solstice.

The Autumnal Equinox (秋分) Solar Term represents the middle of autumn and usually falls on September 22nd or 23rd. It is a time to appreciate the harvest and prepare for the approaching winter. The official English expression for this term is Autumnal Equinox.

In conclusion, the official English expressions for the 24 Solar Terms provide a bridge between China's cultural heritage and the international community. These terms represent the changing seasons, agricultural activities, and traditional celebrations that are deeply rooted in China's history and folklore. As the world becomes more interconnected, the Solar Terms serve as a reminder of the importance of preserving and sharing our cultural traditions.

