


Mother's Day, also known as Mothering Sunday in some parts of the world, is a special day that is celebrated to honor and appreciate mothers for their love, sacrifices, and contributions to our lives. The day is observed in many countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

The term “Mother's Day” was first coined in the United States in the early 20th century by Anna Jarvis, who wanted to honor her own mother and all mothers for their hard work and dedication. The first official Mother's Day was celebrated in the United States on May 10, 1908, and it quickly became a popular holiday.

In many countries, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, and it is a time to show appreciation for all that mothers do. Some families celebrate the day by giving their mothers gifts, such as flowers, chocolates, or jewelry. Others might make a special meal or take their mother out for a day of fun activities.

There are many words and phrases associated with Mother's Day in the English language. Some of the most common include “mom,” “mother,” “mommy,” “mum,” “mama,” and “ma.” Other related words might include “love,” “family,” “thankful,” “care,” “gratitude,” and “affection.”

No matter how you choose to celebrate Mother's Day, it is important to take the time to honor the amazing women in our lives who have done so much for us. Whether it is a biological mother, stepmother, grandmother, or any other maternal figure, Mother's Day is an opportunity to show our gratitude and appreciation for all that they do.

In conclusion, Mother's Day is a special holiday that celebrates the love and sacrifice of mothers around the world. Whether you choose to give a special gift, spend time together, or simply say “thank you,” Mother's Day is an opportunity to show our appreciation and honor the amazing women in our lives.



Mother's Day is an extremely important holiday that is celebrated annually in many countries around the world. It is a day to show appreciation, love, and gratitude for the incredible contribution that mothers make to our lives. However, when it comes to speaking English on Mother's Day, there may be some confusion about whether to use the preposition "on" or "in" when referring to the day.

The correct preposition to use when talking about Mother's Day in English is "on." We say "on Mother's Day" to refer to the specific day when the holiday falls, which is usually the second Sunday of May. For example, you might say "I'm taking my mother out for brunch on Mother's Day" or "I always send my mom a card on Mother's Day."

Using the preposition "in" in reference to Mother's Day is not considered grammatically correct in English. This may be because "in" is typically used to refer to larger time periods, while "on" is used to refer to specific dates or events. So, for example, we would say "in May" to refer to the entire month when Mother's Day occurs, but we would say "on Mother's Day" to refer to the specific day of celebration.

In conclusion, when it comes to speaking English on Mother's Day, it's important to use the correct preposition. Remember, the correct way to refer to the day is "on Mother's Day," not "in Mother's Day." By using the correct preposition, you can communicate more effectively and show your appreciation for all that your mother has done for you. So go ahead, plan a special treat or a surprise for your mom on Mother's Day, and make her feel truly loved and appreciated!




母亲节是受到欧美的影响逐渐流行起来的节日,是孝顺、感恩、赞美母亲的日子。然而,对于许多英语学习者来说,在表达祝福时却很容易搞混母亲节的英文表达方式,是'the Mother’s Day'还是'the Mothers’ Day'? 到底哪一种方式才是正确的呢?

需要明确的是,母亲节的英文表达方式,不同于汉语是一个单数或复数的问题,而是涉及到名词所有格的变化。在英语中,名词所有格在尾部加上-apostrophe及-s表示所有物的不同含义。-apostrophe加s表示单数所有格,在~后面加's表示单数名词所有格的变化,即某个物品属于某个人。例如:Mary's book (玛丽的书)。-apostrophe加在复数名词s后表示复数所有格,例如:teachers' conference(老师们的会议)。

回到母亲节的表达方式,正确的写法是"Mother’s Day",意思是“母亲的节日”,-apostrophe加在母亲这个单数名词后面,表示这个节日是属于所有母亲的,而不是所有妈妈们的集体节日。如果将s加进去,就变成了"Mothers' Day",这个形式则表示这个节日是属于所有妈妈们的,而不是所有母亲的。

在英语表达中,严谨的用词是很重要的,因此区分名词所有格的使用方式也就变成了特别重要的一点,特别是对于那些打算出国留学或在英语口语会话中打交道的人。在表达祝福时,正确使用“Mother’s Day”这个表述方式,不仅可以避免不必要的尴尬,还可以展现出自己优秀的语言能力。

正确的母亲节英文表达方式是“Mother’s Day”,和常见的人们使用的后面带's的复数形式是不一样的。如果不熟悉英文名词所有格的使用方式,建议提前了解这一知识点,并在练习中不断加强。只有掌握了正确的英文表达方式,才可以使人们的母亲节祝福更加真挚而到位。



母亲节是一个庆祝母亲的节日,是为了表达我们对母亲的感激之情。这个节日每年在5月的第二个星期日庆祝。母亲节的英文单词是“Mother's Day”。

“Mother's Day”一词首先出现在美国,最初是由安娜·贝茨思 (Anna Jarvis) 在1908年创立的。贝茨思女士是一个热爱母亲的女性,她希望用这个节日来表达对母亲的敬意和感激之情。她试图通过努力推广这个节日,让更多的人能够庆祝母亲节。

“Mother's Day”这个单词的构成也很简单。Mother表示“母亲”,Day表示“日子”。加在一起,就是“母亲之日”的意思。



