
母亲节 英语(母亲节英语作文80词左右带翻译)

1、母亲节 英语

Mother's Day is an important holiday celebrated around the world. It is a day to honor and appreciate mothers for the selfless love and sacrifices they make for their children.

In America, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May every year. This tradition was started by Anna Jarvis in 1908, who wanted to honor her mother who had passed away. She campaigned tirelessly to make it a national holiday, and eventually succeeded in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation declaring it an official holiday.

On Mother's Day, children of all ages show their love and gratitude for their mother by giving her gifts, cards, and flowers. They may also take her out to brunch, lunch or dinner, or spend the day doing something special together.

In schools, children often create cards and gifts in art class to give to their mothers. Some schools also have special Mother's Day concerts or events to celebrate the occasion.

In addition to the commercial side of Mother's Day, it is important to remember the deeper meaning of the holiday. We should remember the hard work, dedication and love that mothers show their children every day. We should use this day to reflect on the sacrifices they make for us, and to appreciate how lucky we are to have such caring and nurturing mothers in our lives.

Ultimately, Mother's Day is a day to honor the special bond between a mother and her child. It is a day to celebrate the love and warmth that mothers bring into our lives, and to thank them for all that they do. So this Mother's Day, take the time to thank your mother for everything she has done for you, and show her how much she means to you.

母亲节 英语


Mother's Day is a special day to celebrate and honor our mothers for their love and care. It falls on the second Sunday of May every year. On this day, people around the world express their gratitude and affection towards their mothers in various ways.

In the morning, I prepared a breakfast for my mother. She was so happy and surprised by my little act of kindness. Then, we spent some quality time together, talking and laughing over coffee. I handed her a bunch of flowers with a card expressing my love and appreciation for all that she has done for me.

In the afternoon, we went out for a nice lunch and shopping, which made her feel special and loved. We also took some memorable photos together to keep as a reminder of this special day. At night, we watched a movie together and had some snacks, cuddled up on the couch.

Mother's Day is a time to recognize the countless sacrifices and unconditional love that our mothers give us every day. It's a time to show them how much we value their role in our lives.

In conclusion, Mother's Day is a special day to celebrate and appreciate our mothers. We should take the time to express our love and gratitude towards them for everything that they do for us throughout the year, not just on this one day.



When it comes to Mother's Day, a common question that arises is whether to use "on" or "in" when referring to the day. The answer to this question may seem simple, but it can be a bit confusing for non-native English speakers.

The correct preposition to use when referring to Mother's Day is "on". This is because Mother's Day is a specific day that falls on the second Sunday of May every year, and we use "on" to refer to a specific date or day.

For example:

- I will visit my mother on Mother's Day.

- The flowers arrived on Mother's Day.

- We always have a family brunch on Mother's Day.

Using "in" to refer to Mother's Day is not technically incorrect, but it is less common and can sound strange to native speakers.

However, it is important to note that "in" can be used when talking about the month that Mother's Day falls in. For example:

- Mother's Day is in May.

So, while it may seem like a small detail, it is important to use the correct preposition when speaking or writing about Mother's Day. By using "on" instead of "in", you can ensure that your sentences sound natural and convey the intended meaning.

In conclusion, we use "on" when referring to Mother's Day because it is a specific date that falls on the second Sunday of May every year. Remembering this simple rule can help you communicate clearly and effectively in English when talking about this special day.





实际上,“母亲节”这个词是以复数形式出现的,因为这个词是由两个单词组成的复合词,即“mother's day”,意为“母亲的日子”。


在“母亲节”这个词中,我们需要同时考虑到复合词和名词复数的双重情况。因此,我们需要在第二个单词后加上's,即“mother's day”。这也是的写法,因为母亲节作为一个特殊的日子,它并不属于所有母亲,而是属于每一个母亲,因此使用单数形式的所有格是错误的。

在写母亲节相关文章或者制作母亲节卡片时,我们需要记住,正确的表达方式是“Mother's Day”,这样不仅符合语法规则,也能够更好地表达我们对母亲的敬意和感激之情。

母亲节 英语(母亲节英语作文80词左右带翻译)
