- 八字算命
- m.liuliuba.com
- 2024-07-26
节日名称 日期 节日含义 传统习俗
春节 正月初一 迎接新年,祭祖探亲 贴春联,放鞭炮,吃团圆饭,赏花灯,给红包
元宵节 正月十五 庆祝春节结束,祈求神灵保佑 吃元宵,猜灯谜,放烟火,舞龙舞狮
寒食节 清明前一天 祭祖扫墓,禁火三天 扫墓祭祖,吃冷食
清明节 阳历4月5日前后 祭祖扫墓,慰灵魂 扫墓祭祖,慰灵魂,放风筝
端午节 农历5月5日 纪念屈原,祈求平安 吃粽子,赛龙舟,挂艾叶
七夕节 农历7月7日 纪念牛郎织女,表达爱情 放鹊,写情书,吃巧果
中元节 农历7月15日 称为鬼节,祭祀祖先和鬼神 放水灯,焚香拜祭
中秋节 农历8月15日 赏月、祭月、吃月饼、拜月 赏月,吃月饼,赏桂花,猜灯谜
重阳节 农历9月9日 祈求长寿、庆贺秋收 登高赏菊,吃重阳糕,插茱萸
寒衣节 农历10月1日 吊祭先辈祭祖 换冬衣,上坟祭祖
下元节 农历10月15日 送神,祭祖,消灾扶危 烧纸,祭拜祖先
立冬节 阳历11月7日前后 迎接冬天,补冬神 吃饺子,吃糖
腊八节 农历12月8日 祭祖、迎接冬至,吃腊八粥 吃腊八粥,熬腊八水
小年 农历12月23日 祭灶、祈求丰收 贴对联,拜灶,吃年糕
除夕 农历12月30日 辞旧迎新,团圆之夜 吃饺子,守岁,放鞭炮,看春晚
元旦节 阳历1月1日 新年伊始,放松心情 跨年,和家人朋友团聚,吃美食
China boasts a rich cultural heritage and is renowned for its traditional festivals. These festivals play a significant role in Chinese culture and have been passed down through generations. Here is a list of 26 traditional Chinese festivals and their English translations.
1. 春节 (Chun Jie) – Spring Festival
The most important Chinese festival, also known as Chinese New Year. It falls on the first day of the lunar calendar and is celebrated for 15 days.
2. 元宵节 (Yuan Xiao Jie) – Lantern Festival
The fifteenth day of the first lunar month. People enjoy lantern shows, solve riddles and eat sweet glutinous rice balls called ‘tangyuan.’
3. 端午节 (Duan Wu Jie) – Dragon Boat Festival
Fifth day of the fifth lunar month. People eat sticky rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves, and watch dragon boat races.
4. 七夕节 (Qi Xi Jie) – Chinese Valentine’s Day
The seventh day of the seventh lunar month, also known as the ‘Double Seventh Festival.’ Tradition states that lovers can reunite and wish upon the stars.
5. 中秋节 (Zhong Qiu Jie) – Mid-Autumn Festival
Fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month. People eat mooncakes and admire the full moon.
6. 重阳节 (Chong Yang Jie) – Double Ninth Festival
Ninth day of the ninth lunar month. People climb mountains, drink chrysanthemum wine, and eat chongyang cakes.
7. 寒食节 (Han Shi Jie) – Cold Food Festival
On the day before the Qingming Festival, people stop cooking and eat cold food. The festival has become less popular.
8. 清明节 (Qing Ming Jie) – Tomb Sweeping Day
Early April. People pay homage to their ancestors by sweeping their graves and offering sacrifices.
9. 社会主义劳动节 (She Hui Zhi Yi Lao Dong Jie) – Labor Day
May 1st. A day to commemorate workers in China.
10. 儿童节 (Er Tong Jie) – Children’s Day
June 1st. A day to celebrate children.
11. 妇女节 (Fu Nu Jie) – International Women’s Day
March 8th. A day to celebrate women’s achievements in social, economic and political spheres.
12. 世界环境日 (Shi Jie Huan Jing Ri) – World Environment Day
June 5th. A day dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues.
13. 国际消费者权益日 (Guo Ji Xiao Fei Zhe Quan Yi Ri) – World Consumer Rights Day
March 15th. A day to remind consumers of their rights and responsibilities.
14. 诞辰日 (Zhong Guo Gong Chan Dang Dan Chen Ri) – Communist Party of China Founding Day
July 1st. A day to commemorate the establishment of the Communist Party of China.
15. 党的十九大 (Dang De Shi Jiu Da) – 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
The twice-a-decade meeting of the highest decision-making body of the Communist Party of China.
16. 中人和平保卫祖国国庆节阅兵 (Zhong Guo Jun Ren He Ping Bao Wei Zu Guo Guo Qing Jie Yue Bing) – National Day Parade
October 1st. A day to celebrate the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
17. 五四运动纪念日 (Wu Si Yun Dong Ji Nian Ri) – May Fourth Movement
May 4th. A day marking the 1919 student movement against imperialism and for a new cultural identity.
18. 青年节 (Qing Nian Jie) – Youth Day
May 4th. A day to celebrate and encourage young people in China.
19. 艾滋病国际日 (Ai Zi Bing Guo Ji Ri) – World AIDS Day
December 1st. A day to raise awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection.
20. 圣诞节 (Sheng Dan Jie) – Christmas Day
December 25th. Although not a traditional Chinese festival, Christmas is celebrated by many people in China.
21. 愚人节 (Yu Ren Jie) – April Fool’s Day
April 1st. A day for pranks and practical jokes.
22. 情人节 (Qing Ren Jie) – Valentine’s Day
February 14th. A day for couples to express their love for each other.
23. 母亲节 (Mu Qin Jie) – Mother’s Day
Second Sunday in May. A day to honor mothers and motherhood.
24. 父亲节 (Fu Qin Jie) – Father’s Day
Third Sunday in June. A day to honor fathers and fatherhood.
25. 教师节 (Jiao Shi Jie) – Teacher’s Day
September 10th. A day to honor teachers in China.
26. 光棍节 (Guang Gun Jie) – Singles’ Day
November 11th. A day for singles to celebrate or lament their single status. It is also the world’s largest shopping festival due to e-commerce promotion.