



“芒种”是二十四节气之一,每年的阳历六月五日或六日为芒种,是夏季正式开始的节点。它的英文翻译是“Grain in Beard”,意思是“胡须上的小麦粒”,源自汉代《月令七十二候集解》中解释“物皆备秋,而先禾稼熟,故谓之芒种”(百度百科)。从这个名字可以看出,芒种是夏季收获的开始,代表了大自然开始进入一个丰收的季节。


在世界范围内,节气文化也是非常珍贵的,英文中的很多节气名称也是文化的体现。比如“Grain in Beard”这个名称在英文中很少被提及,但有其他的二十四节气却在英文中有专门的翻译,比如“谷雨”(Grain Rain)、“小雪”(Minor Snow)等。这些翻译反映了不同和地区对于季节和气候变化的认识和感受,是各自文化的表现。




The 24 Solar Terms, also known as China's lunar calendar, are a traditional way of dividing the seasons in China. The terms reflect the changes of weather that occur throughout the year, as well as the unique customs and culture of the Chinese people. These terms have been used for thousands of years to help people prepare for farming, fishing, hunting, and other activities.

In recent years, with the increasing popularity of Chinese culture around the world, the 24 Solar Terms have attracted more and more attention from people of all nationalities. As a result, there are now official English translations for each of the terms.

For example, the first solar term of the year, “Lichun,” is translated as “The Beginning of Spring.” This term marks the start of a new year in traditional Chinese culture, and it is believed to be an auspicious time for new beginnings.

The second term, “Yushui,” is translated as “Rain Water.” This term reflects the belief that it is the time when rain begins to fall, the snow begins to melt, and life begins to reawaken after the cold winter months.

The third term, “Jingzhe,” is translated as “The Waking of Insects.” This term refers to the time when insects begin to rouse from their winter sleep and when birds begin to return to their summer habitats.

Other solar terms include “Qingming” (Pure Brightness), “Guyu” (Grain Rain), “Xiaoman” (Grain Buds), “Dashu” (Great Heat), “Li Qiu” (Beginning of Autumn), “Hanlu” (Cold Dew), “Dongzhi” (Winter Solstice), and many more. Each term has its unique significance and special place in Chinese culture.

In addition to reflecting the natural changes of the world, the 24 Solar Terms also serve as a way to connect people with their cultural heritage. Through these terms, people can learn about traditional Chinese customs, beliefs, and way of life. They also help to promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation, as people from all over the world can learn about and appreciate the beauty and complexity of Chinese culture.

In conclusion, the 24 Solar Terms are an essential part of traditional Chinese culture, and their official English translations provide a window into this rich and vibrant heritage. By learning about the Solar Terms and their meanings, people can gain a deeper understanding of the Chinese way of life and connect with their cultural roots.














