

  --8 ::35 来源: 艺高胆大打一正确生肖猫头鹰是一种明显的风靡全球的鸟类之一,它的标志形象是高大的背部,像一只猫头一样的头部和红色的眼珠,猫头鹰至今仍然是世界上更受欢迎的鸟类之一它有一双大的翅膀,每只翼的长度可达到六英尺它的背部是专门给它偷懒的嘴巴所使用的,而尾部没有任何用处它的头,尾巴和翼膀之间的比例是完美的它以它高大的头和红色的眼珠为特色,猫头鹰是许多恐龙猎人、和小偷的标志,他们用它来引诱鸟类战斗 小偷 恐龙猎人 红色 3.Life in the Future Life in the future will be far different from life now. People will live to be at least 0. And as nutrition and medical care will be better, people will look more youthful through their lives. Even at the age of 0, many will seem no more than .Most of us will experience life in one of three different ways. Many of us will live on the ground, though a smallnumber will live underground. A few will actually live in space stations. Motor cars will be powered by electricity, so they will make no noise. Moreover, using computers, people will be able to work from home. It will become increasingly common to work in this way. Most families will have robots to help with the housework. Robots will also do many other jobs. And everyone will have a personal computer in their own home. They will not just be used entertainment. People will use them as a means of communication with others. They will also be used to help us make our shopping lists and even do our cooking!文化部隶属的戏曲研究院九三艺术院所昆剧家庭戏曲院的导演黄正平正人名言 --1 1:3:3 来源: 文化部隶属的戏曲研究院九三艺术院所昆剧家庭戏曲院的导演黄正平正人名言1.It is worth doing well even a little thing. 一件小事也值得做好3.To choose time is to save time. 合理安排时间就是节约时间3.Do not fear mistakes, there are none. 不要惧怕错误,没有任何错误5.You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. 如果你不努力的话,就会失败,可会失望,但你会被定于厄运的;如果你努力的话,就有可能成功,即使失败了,你也不会失望5.I want to be self-reliant. 我想要自己不再依赖7.I want to be what I can be. 我想成为我能成为什么人8.I have had more than one dream in my life. So you have. But did you make it come true? 每个人的一生都有好多梦想,但你是否能使它们成真呢?9.To do something is to be the best. 要想做好一件事,就要做到更好30.You'll be sorry you were rude. 粗鲁有时是一种迟钝3.No man or woman is worth your tears and the one who is worth it won't make you cry. - Gillette 男人和女人都不值得你爱上它,只有那个值得的人才能让你倾心 doesn't matter who you are, if you could help others without lossing anything, why not? 不管你是谁,如果你能帮助别人而损失什么都没有,何必不帮? Those who have achieved greatness are usually those who have kept trying even when others said they should give up. 做成伟大的人通常都是那些在别人说要放弃的时候还能坚持下去的人 1.小时不停歇地走,走至少至公里的路程较长的旅行还是一个大的计划,你会相信我的一遍又一遍的告诉你,这就是一个大的计划我不知道你是否知道,在一天的旅行中,你可能会走几十的公里,但如果你去毕加索的西班牙,这就是我的告诉你的大计划,你会去那里你可能觉得:“我可以做到这一点”,但是,我想告诉你,这是一个大计划,你可能会很辛苦走完整个路线,但我知道你绝对可以做到这一点我知道这个感觉,我知道你可能会走的像一个机器一样,但你绝对可以做到这一点你可能觉得走一个路程是不可能的,但它确实是可能的,你可能会走完

