


I. Introduction


1. Definition of Wilderness

2. Significance of Wilderness

II. The Aesthetic Value of Wilderness

1. Beauty of Nature

2. Sublimity, Picturesque and Other Aesthetic Pleasures

III. Significance of Wilderness in Chinese Astrology

1. History and Development of Chinese Astrology

2. Relationship between Chinese Astrological Animals and Wilderness

IV. Outdoor Activities Related to Chinese Astrological Animals

1. Dragon

2. Horse

3. Tiger

4. Rabbit

5. Ox

V. Conclusion

I. Introduction

Wilderness is defined as a natural area that is relatively undisturbed by humans, including intact or slightly modified ecosystems, characterized by the presence of native species, and the lack of any permanent industrial pressures and features. Undisturbed for millennia, it is a precious natural resource that has great ecological, economic and cultural value (Daubenmire, 1975). As a matter of fact, wilderness has been shown to provide many essential functions essential to life support systems, serving as a carbon sink, supporting biodiversity and providing habitat to a great many of endangered species (Bates & Kundzewicz, 2004).

More than that, wilderness is an ideal state of mind, an attitude, an appreciation of nature, or a sense of connection with the natural world. It is related to things like treasuring the world around us and understanding the importance of wild places and their preservation for our collective future.

The concept of wilderness is closely related to the concept of aesthetic value. Aesthetic value of nature comes from the effort of high admiration of natural beauty and sublimity. This sense of beauty is usually found in the wild, in places that remain unspoiled. The aesthetic value of nature is enhanced by its ability to evoke strong emotions in human beings.

II. The Aesthetic Value of Wilderness

The aesthetic value of wilderness is related with the beauty of nature. Beauty of nature can be defined as an interconnection between the biotic and nonbiotic environment of a place, a balanced combination of both elements which triggers pleasure or admiration to the observer’s eyes. It is that harmony between living and non-living elements, an equilibrium embedded in natural systems that can generate experiences of delight and admiration. Many further concepts of beauty, such as the sublime and the picturesque, have evolved out of the beauty of nature, providing a more comprehensive definition of what can be perceived as aesthetically appealing.

The sublime is a term originated in aesthetic theory and has been gaining momentum as an expression of wilderness aesthetics ever since Edmund Burke made his remarks in 1756. Defined as an emotion of greatness, beauty, reverence and awe, the sublime was applied to landscapes that generated a sense of terror and power, mainly associated with wild, unfettered nature. To experience the sublime, a person must feel both vulnerable and protected at the same time. According to Cynthia Wall, the sublime can be found in nature through perspectives of size or vastness, danger or power, or a combination of both. Thus, something that is vast, powerful and potentially dangerous, is sublime, and those are the experiences that wilderness can provide.

The picturesque, on the other hand, is a concept coined by William Gilpin in 1768, to refer to “the characteristical of natural scenery which is agreeable to the eye, as parks, hills, woods, and waterworks”. Picturesque landscapes are often composed with an eye for beauty and art, integrated with the existing wildlife of each particular area (Gold, 2005). The main feature is thus the idea of composed beauty, of a specific collage of creatures, plants, and other organic elements, coordinated in such a way that creates the best possible visual effect. Thus, the picturesque can be certainly seen as an aesthetic outlook to appreciation of the natural world.

III. Significance of Wilderness in Chinese Astrology

Chinese astrology is an ancient practice rooted in Chinese philosophy which assigns a different animal to every year of the Chinese lunar calendar. Chinese astrology has become very popular in Chinese culture since the Spring and Autumn Period (770–476 BCE). Ancient Chinese believed the various animals of the zodiac had different personalities and qualities accordingly and the animal of the year one was born in had the power to influence their behavior and the events that would take place in their life.

The 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac have each their own relationship to the natural world, and one way in which these relationships are expressed is through the types of outdoor activities associated with each astrological animal. The dragon is a symbol of power and strength and it is also often associated with water-related activities. Horse is seen as a symbol of freedom and is connected to activities such as horseback riding and mountain climbing. Tiger is seen as a symbol of agility and vigor, and it is often associated with activities such as climbing, running, and hiking. Rabbit is a symbol of luck, and activities associated with the rabbit include camping, fishing, and hunting. Finally, the ox is seen as a symbol of strength and stamina and is associated with activities such as trekking and mountaineering.

IV. Outdoor Activities Related to Chinese Astrological Animals


Dragon is one of the most ancient creatures in Chinese mythology, associated with power and royalty. Outdoor activities that are usually associated with the dragon include swimming, whitewater rafting, canoeing and fishing. Swimming and whitewater rafting in particular have become popular dragon-associated activities since they require the physical strength and endurance typically associated with the dragon.


Horse is a symbol of freedom and mobility. Outdoor activities related to the horse may include horseback riding, mountain climbing, and mountain biking. Hiking or trekking with horses along nature trails or in mountainous regions is also popular among enthusiasts.


Tiger symbolizes agility, vigor, and strength. Activities associated with this mythical animal include rock climbing, running, hiking, and mountain climbing. Mountain climbing is the most popular, as it is the most physically strenuous and requires the most agility, strength and endurance.


Rabbit is associated with activities that involve the outdoors, such as camping, fishing, and hunting. Camping is especially popular, since it allows the exploration of beautiful natural sites and can also provide a great escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.


Ox is seen as a symbol of strength and stamina, and is associated with activities such as trekking, mountaineering, and rock climbing. Trekking, especially in more challenging terrain, is seen as a particularly fitting outdoor activity for the ox, as it requires an incredible amount of physical strength and endurance.

V. Conclusion


1) 野外美景的魅力

A. 自然美景给人无与伦比的感受

B. 进一步认识和探索自然界


A. 问天下无两的精彩

B. 放飞想象力

3) 体验野外之美

A. 远走山野,领略大自然的魅力

B. 开拓视野,增强求知的兴趣









