


八字合婚的传统方法 六大方式促姻缘



  本法认为,生于男、女之年者,受刑、相伤,相冲者不宜结婚,相合而生者宜。婚姻。相冲的生肖是鼠与马,牛与羊;虎与猴,兔与鸡,龙与狗,蛇与猪。相配的生肖有虎与猪、猴与蛇、龙与鸡、马与羊、兔与狗、鼠与牛。一套吉祥火柴。蛇、鸡、牛是吉祥的一对。虎、马、狗是吉祥的一对。猪、兔、羊是吉祥的配对。 ETC。






  纳寅婚的说法是根据男女出生之年的五行纳寅,也就是我们常说的,就是甲子年和乙丑年出生的人是金人在海中,五行属金。是男女纳音五行或五行同好。木生火,火生土,土生金,金生水,水生木。甲子纳音六十首是:甲子乙丑是海中金,丙寅丁卯是火,无尘吉斯是大林,庚午心The earth near Wei Road, the soil of Wuyin Jimao city, the white wax gold of Gengchen Xinsi, the willow wood of Renwu Guiwei, the sword edge gold of Renshen Guiyou, the fire of Jiaxu and Yihai mountain, the water of Bingzi Dingchou stream, the Jiashen Yiyou spring Zhongshui, Bingxu and Dinghai House Shangtu, Wuzi Jichou Thunderbolt Fire, Gengyin Xinmao Pine and Cypress Wood, Renchen Guisi Changliu Water, Jiawu Yiwei Sand Zhongjin, Bingshen Dingyou Mountain Fire, Wuxu Jihai Pingdi Wood, Gengzi Xinchou Wall Shangtu, Renyin Guimao gold leaf gold, Jiachen Yisi Buddha lanterns, Bingwu Dingwei Tianhe water, Wushen Jiyou Dayi soil, Gengxu Xinhai hairpin gold, Renzi Guichou mulberry wood, Jiayin Yimao Daxi water, Bingchen Dingsisha Middle Earth, Wuwu Jiwei was on fire, Gengshen Xinyou pomegranate wood, Renxu Guihai sea water.

  5. Marriage law of six relatives

  Men’s lives should not be shoulder to shoulder, robbing wealth and prosperity, otherwise there will be suspicion of overpowering their wives, women’s lives should not hurt officials, heavy and prosperous, otherwise Kefu, men’s lives should not reveal wealth, otherwise it is not professional, and women’s lives should not be killed by officials Mixed without food injury system.

  6. Marriage Law of Horoscope

  The horoscopes of both men and women are mutually favored and used mainly in the following situations: the fate of men and women are mutually dependent; the pattern of fate of both men and women does not destroy each other; the luck of both parties should be mutually beneficial; The god of jealousy can best be transformed into the god of happiness for the opponents fate; the jealous god of one fate can be restrained by the opponents fate; the combination of the two fates will not harm the original wealth and longevity of the opponents fate. etc.

  The purpose of married marriage is to make both spouses seek advantages and avoid disadvantages as much as possible, so as to maximize the happiness of marriage. Today, there are still constellation marriage methods, no matter which method has merits and limitations, it cannot be generalized.

